Poison Pie vs. Stinky Squid
Poison Pie vs. Stinky Squid

The Meaningless and Inscrutable Smile

A Short Story for Roy Poonawala
on the occasion of his zeroth birthday
June 17, 2000

Text, Illustrations, and Photographs by
David Keffer and Lynn Ochs
June, 2000
Knoxville, Tennessee

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nb:  The 4 drawings of mushrooms that appear with Poison Pie (pp. 2,19,27 & 32), the mushroom on the "step" button, and this wallpaper are taken from "Das kleine Pilzbuch in vielen Farben"; einheimische HOS; einheimische Pilze nach der Natur gezeichnet von BBilli Harmerth, Infel-Bücherei, Nr. 503, Berlag zu Leipzig, <1958.